
7 Ways to Give Back in 7 Days

Philanthropic Happy Hour

Philanthropic Happy Hour

Compiled by Kerrigan Peoples

Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Service

Monday, January 21 @ 10a.m.-12p.m.
Neighborhood Services, Inc

Neighborhood Services Inc. Food Pantry is in need of 6 volunteers for a day of service during Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Please join us in helping our fellow neighbors by coming prepared to clean and organize the food pantry. Students, this is a great opportunity to help out while getting some volunteer hours completed during a day off from school.
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Directions for Youth & Families

Tuesday, January 22 @ 5:30-7:30p.m.
Ohio Avenue Youth Center

Directions for Youth & Families impacts over 8,000 youth and their families each year through mental, emotional and behavioral health services. The friends at DFYF need your help preparing for their State of the Child Luncheon! Activities will include glazing art pieces created by the youth at the center!
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January Philanthropic Happy Hour

Wednesday, January 23 @ 6-8p.m.
Wolf’s Ridge Brewing

The first Philanthropic Happy Hour of 2019 will be at Wolf’s Ridge Brewingin downtown Columbus! The Columbus Metropolitan Library does such great things in the community and provides free programs and services for those that need them, so Wolf’s Ridge Brewing has generously agreed to donate 1$ per beer from 5-9 to the Library! So come early, stay late, but most importantly – come thirsty!
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Read to Kids at The Boys and Girls Club

Thursday, January 24 @ 4-5p.m.
J Ashburn Jr Center

CYP Club Cares is hosting a group volunteer activity on Thursday to read to kids at the Boys and Girls Club as part of their Reading Buddies program. Boys & Girls Clubs of Columbus gives young people the support, guidance, tools, and skills to succeed in life. They provide comprehensive, affordable after-school and summer programming for youth ages 6 through 18.
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2019 Princess Nights

Friday, January 25 @ 9-11:55p.m.
Columbus Dream Center

Princess Night outreach is working to break this cycle of sex trafficking one woman at a time. Princess Night volunteers share a message of God’s love, hope, and restoration with these misused and hard-to-reach women. Volunteers meet to go to areas of street prostitution to pray and hand out roses and handwritten cards of encouragement and Scripture in hopes of building relationship and help women be rescued.
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“Night at the Museum” – Autism Society of Central Ohio

Saturday, January 26 @ 5:45-8:30p.m.
Ohio History Connection

The Autism Society of Central Ohio is having a “Night at the Museum” at the Ohio History Connection on Saturday –the event is going to be very Autism and Family Friendly! The expected outcomes for our night is that families can explore the museum at their own pace; engagement with the actors and volunteers to learn about Ohio history; have hands-on activity that involved Ohio history (e.g. making recycled envelope art, using their skills to do different activities) in a fun, no judgement environment.
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Build Day at The Franklinton Playhouse

Sunday, January 27 @ 4:30-7p.m.
Franklinton Playhouse

Join Columbus Gives Back and help the Franklinton Playhouse prepare for their latest theater production. After the final show of their current production, you’ll help strike the set (take the set and lights down), and begin to build out the set for the next production, which will open in the coming weeks. In addition to set construction, volunteers may be asked to assist with other minor construction, painting, and/or cleaning tasks around the yoga studio and theater space.
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