7 Ways to Give Back in 7 Days

Photo Credit: HERO USA
Compiled by Kerrigan Peoples
Serve Dinner at Faith Mission
Monday, December 24 @ 6:15-8:15p.m.
Faith Mission Community Kitchen
Faith Mission Community Kitchen offers three meals a day every day of the year to anyone who needs it. As a volunteer you will be serving dinner cafeteria style to the men in the community with friends from Columbus Gives Back. This is a tremendously rewarding experience that allows an essential service to individuals and families in need.
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Support Children’s Craft Helpers
Tuesday, December 25 @ 8:30a.m.-3p.m.
First Congregational Church – Bethlehem on Broad Street
Volunteers are needed to help entertain young guests and their families as they wait for their meal. If you have a special skill at a craft or skill that you could easily teach to others (origami, macrame, card tricks, etc.) feel free to come and teach your craft!
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Donation Sorting for Homeless Youth
Wednesday, December 26 @ 9a.m.-1p.m.
Help provide youth experiencing homelessness the items they need to survive and thrive this winter season by volunteering at the Star House Warehouse. Volunteers are needed every Wednesday through Saturday during their open donation hours to help receive, inventory and sort donations that go out to youth experiencing homelessness.
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Thursday Evening Build Crew
Thursday, December 27 @ 5:30-8p.m.
Habitat for Humanity
The Thursday Evening Crew of Habitat for Humanity helps with various projects throughout the year. This group floats between construction sites all across town and completes whatever tasks are needing done. Joining this team of volunteers allows you to be involved with many of the same volunteers every week, but also lets you be part of the various stages of the Habitat builds. No prior construction skills needed.
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Choice Pantries Volunteer
Friday, December 28 @ 9a.m.
Salvation Army
The Salvation Army operates food pantries in which clients to choose the food items their families most need and enjoy, rather than receiving a prepared box of food. Volunteers are needed to help out in the pantries for various shifts on weekdays. These volunteers will help operate the pantry, stock shelves, and assist in other areas as needed.
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Snowsports Education
Saturday, December 29 @ 8:45a.m.-3p.m.
Mad River Mountain
Volunteer to help out kids at Mad River Mountain during Snowsports Education. Responsibilities include greeting the youth groups, assisting with administrative paperwork, helping children find appropriate sizing for gea and get appropriate rental gear (provided by Mad River Mountain), distributing lift tickets and getting the kids into their 10:15am Mad River Mountain certified lesson groups!
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Volunteer at a Soup Kitchen
Sunday, December 30
Holy Family Church
Holy Family Church has been helping the needy and feeding the poor since it opened in 1877. Currently the soup kitchen serves hot meals to approximately 300 people each day and provides groceries for over 125 families every week.
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