
Next Up Columbus 2022: Lexi Campbell

Lexi Campbell
 Lexi Campbell

Photo courtesy of Lexi Campbell

Interview by Derek Grosso

Name: Lexi Campbell
Pronouns: She/Her
Age: 25
Profession: Manager, People & Culture at Gifthealth
Neighborhood: Grandview Heights
Education: Bachelors degree, Health Services Administration, Business Administration Minor, Sales Certificate, Leadership Certificate from Ohio University
Community Involvement: Seasonal volunteer at NC4K, a nonprofit organization that provides support for kids fighting cancer through financial, emotional support, and events for play.
Quote: “Stay positive, work hard, make it happen.”
Connect: LinkedIn

Give us a snapshot of your career path: I always knew I wanted to do something within healthcare and with people. At first I thought I wanted to be a Speech Pathologist, I went to Ohio University with this being my major and quickly realized biology and chemistry courses were not for me, so I switched my major to Health Services Administration! After graduating, I took a recruiting job with a company in Columbus, OH and enjoyed working and helping other people but I still wanted to be in healthcare. I then started working as a Sales Associate at ScriptDrop and really enjoyed it. From there, I was asked to join Gifthealth as an Executive Assistant to help out with some of the administrative tasks and have recently moved into the role of Manager, People and Culture.

What gets you up in the morning? And what gets you through the workweek?
Knowing every day is a new day to make a difference keeps me going. Yesterday may not have been the greatest but what am I going to do today to ensure today is a better day?!

What advice or mentors have helped guide you along the way?
My mom is my biggest mentor, she has always been a hard worker and has shown me what it is to have a good work ethic. Another piece of advice that sticks with me is, “put yourself in their shoes” you never know what someone may be going through.

What do you do or where do you go to unwind?
I enjoy taking my dog Remi on walks, working out at orange theory, and reading before bed.

What are a few of your favorite local spots in Columbus?
Press Grill will always be a favorite! We walk to Marshalls in Grandview a lot to sit on the patio. Katalina’s pancake balls are my favorite brunch food.

When you were a kid, what did you say you wanted to be when you grew up?
A teacher, or a cop like my grandma.

What books or podcasts are you reading/listening to right now?
For fun, I just finished reading Colleen Hoover’s Reminders of Him. For professional growth, I am reading HR on Purpose by Steve Browne.

What does it mean to you to be chosen for the Next Up Columbus award?
I am extremely surprised and honored to be chosen for the Next Up Columbus award! Being young in my career, I know I still have room to grow and continue to make an impact on what I have started. Being chosen for the Next Up Columbus award will help connect me with other passionate, bright individuals in Columbus and build a future for other young professionals.

If someone were to ask you what the “pulse” of Columbus is, what would you tell them?
Growing! I was born and raised in Columbus, and to see the growth over the years has been incredible. Columbus has something for every age and every personality.

The Next Up Columbus Awards highlight emerging leaders who are connectors and ambassadors in central Ohio and who are making a positive impact on the future of Columbus. The Columbus Young Professionals Club would like to offer special thanks to our 2022 co-presenters, Discover Financial, Ohio Dominican University and Spectrum for their support of this year’s awards program. Meet the entire “Class of 2022” »


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