
Charles Hill Loves to Tell the Story of His Hometown in Helping Others Experience Columbus

Charles Hill
Charles Hill

Photo by Matt Reese / CityPulse Columbus

Interview by Steph Greegor

Name: Charles Hill
Age: 39
Profession: Vice President of Strategic Development, Experience Columbus
Neighborhood: Pickerington (but moving to Downtown Columbus soon)
One-word description: Hopeful
Quote: “I think it’s really important when you’re fighting for issues that you be a part of that community. I want to be part of the city I’m fighting for.” – On moving his family from the suburbs to downtown Columbus.
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Charles Hill has an unrivaled passion for the city of Columbus. At 39, he’s the Vice President of Strategic Development for Experience Columbus and actively doing everything he can to build and maintain relationships with elected officials, community leaders, special interest groups, and the community.

“I help tell the story of Columbus; I help paint the picture of our thriving city and what it has to offer,” said the Columbus native and Independence High School graduate. “My mission statement is helping people excel by bridging the gap and bringing together the common good for the reason why they’re here.”

Hill, who currently lives in Pickerington but is moving to downtown Columbus, said it’s interesting how the root of his name, Charles, is farmer, given what he does.

“A farmer takes a seed and puts it in an environment to grow,” said Hill. “That’s how I look at people. I don’t have a job. I’m not working. I put the seeds in the right environment.”

Hill carries that philosophy into his volunteer work, where he works on the Resource Development Committee for United Way of Central Ohio; the New American Advisory Council, appointed by Franklin County Commissioner Kevin Boyce; serves as an active member for the Alpha Pi Alpha fraternity; and is an assistant high school football coach at Harvest Prep High School.

“The rent that we pay for living on this earth is to give back to it,” said Hill, a Kentucky State University, graduate, who earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in business, with a minor in marketing. “This city that we live in, it gives us sunlight, it gives us energy—the rent we pay is to give back to it. That’s why I volunteer.”

And when he’s not volunteering, he spends time with his family enjoying the city he loves.

“I’m a food guy. I love it all,” he laughed of his favorites like The Refectory, Cameron Mitchell’s Ocean Club, or Abuelos. A favorite he takes guests for dinner is Miranova.

“We have something for everybody in Columbus,” said Hill. “That’s the beauty. We have a vibrant, thriving community. Depending on what you want—sports, arts communities—we have it here.”

Charles was named to our annual list of 52 Young Professionals You Should Know in Columbus – one for every week in the year!
Meet the entire “Class of 2018” »


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