David Glover and Available Light Bring Everybody to Columbus Stage
By Adam Humphrey, managing director of Available Light Theatre
David Glover is a company member of Available Light Theatre, and the Upper School Dean of Students and Director of Theatre Arts at The Wellington School. He directs Everybody by Branden Jacobs-Jenkins, opening Feb. 9 in the Vern Riffe Center Studio 2 Theatre.
Adam: What makes theater your art of choice (as either an artist or patron)?
David: Theater provides me an excellent opportunity to escape, play with my creativity and be a part of something bigger. I get so much satisfaction helping put together a show that ultimately brings people together and provides an opportunity for connection either as creatives or patrons.
Adam: What do you enjoy most about teaching the arts?
David: I started theater in sixth grade at the suggestion of my choir teacher Ms. Carl. I could have done better socially; school (academically) was not my favorite thing. When I started theater I gained confidence; I found my people and joy. I also connected to my academics more; class presentations became my jam! Theater and Ms. Carl, my CAHS theater teacher Ms. Cordy, and my college mentor Chris Tucci helped me be open-minded and more empathetic, deal with adversity and find those “aha moments” of connection in life and creativity. All in all, I’m a better human because of theater.
That’s why I teach; I want to help make my students better people. And when they have those aha moments or find a community or joy while acting, singing, building something or working backstage, those moments are the best part.
Adam: Everybody will be the third show written by Branden Jacobs-Jenkins that Available Light has done. What about his work, in particular, do you find so compelling?
David: I have the biggest artistic crush on this man. Everything I read by BJJ has left me crying, laughing, confused and contemplating my whole existence. That makes excellent theater. I am particularly fond of his ability to use some of his lenses on life (Black and Gay) to re-contextualize older plays or create provocative stories.
Adam: What keeps you in Columbus?
David: Available Light Theatre and its people. Watching and eventually joining the company has helped me further my theater education and develop my skills; that’s why it’s my artistic home. AVLT has opened the door to many awesome opportunities and creative highs on my resume. Plus, they are cool people and some of my closest friends.
Adam: What’s your favorite part of the Columbus arts scene at the moment?
David: The chance to work! Columbus theaters are providing more and more opportunities to work. This year I am incredibly fortunate to have the chance to work with many different artists and theater companies across Columbus. It’s extremely humbling and rewarding.
Available Light Theatre opens Everybody by Branden Jacobs-Jenkins, presented by Joe Heimlich and Jim Hodnett, on Feb. 9 at 8 p.m. in the Vern Riffe Center Studio 2 Theatre. Tickets can be purchased in advance through CAPA at my.cbusarts.com/overview/4861. Learn more about Available Light Theatre at avltheatre.com.