
Next Up Columbus 2021: Cassy Patterson

Cassy Patterson
Cassy Patterson

Photo by Matt Reese / CityPulse Columbus

Interview by Derek Grosso

Name: Cassy Patterson
Pronouns: she/her
Age: 35
Profession: Program & Event Specialist for BBB serving Central Ohio
Neighborhood: Grandview
Education: B.S. in Business Admin, minor in English from The Ohio State University
Community Involvement: Columbus Leadership Council
Quote: “Breathe properly. Stay curious. And eat your beets.” -Tom Robbins
Connect: Instagram

Give us a snapshot of your career path: After many years in the service industry I joined AmeriCorps for a year of service with a nonprofit. I was fortunate to be hired by them at the end of my service gaining valuable nonprofit experience in outreach and volunteer management. From there I was fortunate yet again to join the BBB family to continue working in nonprofit but this time supporting and recognizing businesses that are intentionally builiding trust in this wonderful community.

What gets you up in the morning?
Cold brew and yoga!

What advice or mentors have helped guide you along the way?
My grandfather was the quintessential example of working hard to achieve the life you desire. He instilled a solid work ethic in my entire family, but equally important he showed us how to work hard for what you want your life to look like.

What do you do or where do you go to unwind?
I love to lose myself in a good book and most weekends you can find me at one of Columbus’ amazing metro parks, special shout out to Clear Creek.

What are a few of your favorite local spots in Columbus?
The aforementioned Clear Creek metro park, the Grandview Theater, and forever and always Seventh Son Brewery.

When you were a kid, what did you say you wanted to be when you grew up?
A marinebiologist until I realized I wasn’t cut out for the sciences. Then a fiction writer.

What books or podcasts are you reading/listening to right now?
I am currently reading my favorite author Tom Robbins’ memoir and I’m a huge advocate of paranormal podcasts for an escape. Preferably, “Last Podcast on the Left” for a good laugh and “Astonishing Legends” for a full on deep dive.

What does it mean to you to be chosen for the Next Up Columbus award?
I’m honored and humbled to be recognized next to so many incredible and hardworking professionals. I’m not worthy!

If someone were to ask you what the “pulse” of Columbus is, what would you tell them?
The collaboratory nature of all the communities here.

The Next Up Columbus Awards highlight emerging leaders who are connectors and ambassadors in central Ohio and who are making a positive impact on the future of Columbus. The Columbus Young Professionals Club would like to offer special thanks to our 2021 co-presenters, Discover Financial, Future Possibilities and Zipline Logistics for their support of this awards program. Meet the entire “Class of 2021” »


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