
Sparking Connections with Causes

Doug Kridler

Doug Kridler


By Doug Kridler

As a proud, longtime resident of Columbus, it is my pleasure to welcome you to our smart and open city. The Columbus Foundation works to support the wellbeing of all our residents, including its most recent arrivals. For that reason, we are pleased to support the CityPulse Charity & Arts Guide, which we hope you will use to spark connections with causes in your new community.

Our nonprofit sector is a rich tapestry of organizations dedicated to the betterment of Columbus. For the past 75 years, The Columbus Foundation has worked to connect donors with their missions and advance our community’s collective interest.

Today, the Foundation offers a variety of ways for you to get involved with your new city. I encourage you to visit The Giving Store, our one-stop online shop for all your charitable giving, at columbusfoundation.org/thegivingstore.

In The Giving Store, you’ll find a variety of ways to connect with local causes that matter to you. Find your new favorite organization to volunteer with by searching our Nonprofit Directory, which includes more than 1,000 local nonprofit organizations and information about their mission.

From The Giving Store, you can also join other community champions in supporting real-time nonprofit projects on our crowdfunding platform, Better Together. You’ll also find our Gifts of Kindness Fund, which is a great way to directly support an individual or family experiencing an emergency hardship.

If you prefer to connect IRL, you can meet other residents interested in tackling community challenges through our annual day of dialogue, The Big Table.

However you choose to connect, you’re sure to find that Columbus is a friendly, dynamic place where you can pursue your current passions or discover new ones. We’re glad you’ve joined our growing, caring city and, on behalf of the Foundation, welcome!

The author is President and CEO of The Columbus Foundation.


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