
Doanise Thompson Finds Inspiration in Coaching Young Leaders

Doanise Thompson

Doanise Thompson


Interview by Sarah Shumick

Doanise Thompson knew that if she wanted a career in higher education, Columbus was the perfect place to land. After earning her master’s degree at the University of Georgia, Doanise returned to her home state to begin a career in Student Affairs, eventually making her way to The Ohio State University where she currently serves as a Career Coach, helping connect students with opportunities to land their dream jobs. As for her own dream job? We don’t want to give anything away, but it involves Beyoncé.

Name: Doanise Thompson
Age: 25
Profession: Career Coach (Technology, Data Analytics, Finance, Consulting, Sales, and Management), The Ohio State University
Neighborhood: Polaris
Connect: LinkedIn

Where are you from and what brought you to Columbus? I am originally from Lorain, Ohio and I moved to Columbus about 2 years ago as I began my career in Higher Education and Student Affairs. As I considered locations to begin my career, I wanted to be back in Ohio where I could be closer to friends and family. Also, I knew Columbus to be an amazing place for opportunities in Students Affairs because of the many colleges and universities located throughout the city!

Give us a snapshot of your career path: I recently completed my Master of Education in College Student Affairs Administration from the University of Georgia in May 2017. Since then, I have had the opportunity to work full-time at both a private, liberal arts institution as well as a large state school. Previously, I worked as the Coordinator of Career Services at Ohio Dominican University. My passion is connecting emerging leaders to professional opportunities. As a Career Coach, I can leverage my knowledge of industries and recruitment to assist job seekers in landing amazing opportunities, which sparks joy in my life!

Tell us about your current career role: In my current role as a Career Coach at The Ohio State University in the College of Arts and Sciences, I manage two career communities – Technology Data and Analytics, and Finance, Consulting, Sales and Management. I assist students across a variety of majors to gain experiences in the aforementioned industries. I do this providing one-on-one career coaching and by hosting networking events throughout the fall and spring semester.

What keeps you motivated? I am constantly motivated each and every day by the students and young professionals that I meet with when I am able to help them craft career goals and a job search strategy that leads to opportunities with their dream companies.

What gets you up in the morning? And what gets you through the workweek? Honestly, my days are always different because I meet with a diverse group of students and young professionals, so I am always excited about the new people that I will meet and the services that I can provide to them.

What advice or mentors have helped guide you along the way? I have had many mentors throughout my life who have invested in helping me to achieve my goals. One of the best pieces of advice that I have received from a mentor is to find opportunities to invest in others and pay it forward because it is how we open doors for everyone to have access to opportunity.

Explain some of your work-life balance challenges. How do you achieve success in spite of the hustle and bustle? I often struggle with balancing everything in my life. Most recently, I have been trying my hardest to incorporate healthy eating and exercise into my overall routine. Before, I was so tired after a 40 hour work week that I would almost always order takeout. Now, I plan accordingly by meal prepping and scheduling work out classes each week.

What might someone be surprised to know about you? I rarely listen to the radio or music. I can only listen to music when I go to the gym.

If you could have a superpower, what would it be? I am always looking for ways to make my life easier, so if I had a superpower that enabled me to create streamlined processes for everything in my life by simply nodding my head, I would be so happy! Imagine waking up in the morning and nodding your head and you instantly have a full face of makeup! What a dream!

When you were a kid, what did you say you wanted to be when you grew up? People would always tell me that I was persuasive, good at arguing and advocating for others, so they would always tell me to be a lawyer. Once I found out that I could be a lawyer for celebrities, I was always intrigued with learning how I could become an Entertainment Lawyer, specifically for Beyoncé.

What books or podcasts are you reading/listening to right now? I love podcasts and Audible! I spend most of my time listening to both. I am currently listening to An American Marriage and The Mother of Black Hollywood on Audible. My favorite podcasts are Brown Ambition, The Read, The Friend Zone, Gettin’ Grown, Millennial Money, Journey to Launch, Clever Girls Know, and the Food Heaven Podcast.

What would your autobiography be called? Well, that’s a great question! I never thought about that. Maybe something like, “The Girl Who Over-analyzed Her Life… and still turned out alright.”

What are among the top places you’d recommend to someone who is visiting or new to Columbus? The Beer Barrel, Abuelo’s, Top Golf, Pins Mechanical, Easton Town Center & Gogi Korean BBQ.

What’s the most exciting thing about Columbus right now? It’s a great place for young professionals to begin a career that they love because of the endless opportunities!

If someone were to ask you what the “pulse” of Columbus is, what would you tell them? The pulse of Columbus is constant change and technological advancement!


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