
Single in the City 2019: Jacques Washington

Jacques Washington
Jacques Washington

Photo by Ian Crumpler / CityPulse Columbus

From artists to news anchors, physicians to project managers, our first-ever class of eligible singles in the city showcases the dynamic Columbus dating scene. Click here to meet them all!

Name: Jacques Washington
Age: 29
Profession: Project Manager at Nationwide Insurance
Neighborhood: Columbus
Hometown: Columbus

Hobbies: Music, Travel, Family time, Volunteering, Anime

Most people would be surprised to know that I… am not a huge social media fan. Just can’t get into it.

I’m looking for ___________ in a significant other: A partner in crime/adventurer.

The perfect date for me includes: Good food and discussion, I’m open to new places.

The most embarrassing thing I’ve ever done on a date: Fall asleep during a movie.

Best place to go on a first date in Columbus: Fado Irish Pub

Best place to go for drinks in Columbus: Fado Irish Pub

Words to live by: “A little learning is a dangerous thing; Drink deep, or taste not the Pierian spring: There shallow draughts intoxicate the brain, And drinking largely sobers us again.” Alexander Pope – An Essay on Criticism

If someone were to ask you what the “pulse” of Columbus is, what would you tell them? Columbus is diverse, energetic and growing.

Connect: Instagram

Jacques is one of this year’s “Most Eligible Singles in Columbus” selected by Second Date Social as part their Single in the City celebration.

Meet all of our 10 featured singles in the city for 2019 »


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