
Single in the City 2019: Suraj Hinduja

Suraj Hinduja
Suraj Hinduja

Photo by Ian Crumpler / CityPulse Columbus

From artists to news anchors, physicians to project managers, our first-ever class of eligible singles in the city showcases the dynamic Columbus dating scene. Click here to meet them all!

Name: Suraj Hinduja
Age: 27
Profession: Managing Director at RTRX
Neighborhood: Victorian Village
Hometown: Dublin, OH

Hobbies: Cycling, check out new restaurants, reading, traveling, cooking, and quality time with friends

Most people would be surprised to know that I… love the dance floor!

I’m looking for ___________ in a significant other: A partner to experience all of life with.

The perfect date for me includes: Great conversation and lots of laughs over good food and a great bottle of wine.

The most embarrassing thing I’ve ever done on a date: Tripped and fell over myself while walking back to the table.

Best place to go on a first date in Columbus: La Tavola

Best place to go for drinks in Columbus: Service Bar

Words to live by: “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” – Margaret Mead

If someone were to ask you what the “pulse” of Columbus is, what would you tell them? America’s version of Salty Caramel.

Connect: Instagram | Twitter

Suraj is one of this year’s “Most Eligible Singles in Columbus” selected by Second Date Social as part their Single in the City celebration.

Meet all of our 10 featured singles in the city for 2019 »


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